
The power of art

“The power of the greatest art is the power to shake us into revelation and rip us from our default mode of seeing. After an encounter with that force, we don’t look at a face, a color, a sky, a body, in quite the same way again.

We get fitted with new sight: in-sight. Visions of beauty or a rush of intense pleasure are part of that process, but so too may be shock, pain, desire, pity, even revulsion.

That kind of art seems to have rewired our senses. We apprehend the world differently.”

Simon Schama, English historian


I. The Journey

This artwork represents the stylization of a map. The lines intertwine at specific points taking on different colors and delivering a strong visual impact which enables emotions to be felt before meaning is discerned. The lines and points represent the journey and the steps that EWING travels with clients to achieve successful outcomes. The colors represent the differences between projects and processes while the background color is in reference to the color of EWING’S brand mark, which immediately identifies the work.


I.I The Ground

This design is based on the conception of the earth as a set of shapes that evolve into new elements. The orange color represents fire—the origin. The abstract forms are the evolution of earth, which moves in space, slowly mixing with new materials and shapes that result in new forms, like how new innovation forms organically at EWING.


I.II Space and Time

Space and time are concepts that are difficult to elaborate at the same time. The artwork represents different visual elements, ranging from abstract to natural forms. The lemon represents nature which like the physical world, evolves and ages. The color represents the immortal. Over time, color deteriorates, but the soul remains forever. The idea is to represent the conception of new value borne from EWING-client collaborations as something lasting which extends beyond the mere physical inputs required to create that value.


II. Metamorphosis

The composition represents the union between man, nature, and design. The natural phenomena blends with the sinuous lines of the human body and the built environment, generating new-to-the-world forms and emerging innovations.


III. Mirror

Traditional but impactful, the concept behind this artwork is to convey the combination of old and new, like an innovation initiative that comes to life by envisioning a better future. The dark tree is reflected in the water, where it is transformed, alive, with a new identity. The water appears as a canvas of mixed colors, from which the tree stands out and emerges mighty and unconstrained. The tree represents the growth and evolution of innovation efforts, as well as their naturalness and simplicity.


IV. Aqua

Aqua represents the sense of calm and tranquility generated by all that is beautiful in the world. The lovely, composed woman is enriched by the reflection of the water, giving life to the transcendental figure, like ideas gain life and are enriched by human ingenuity.


V. Evolution

This artwork recalls the pop works of the sixties but is reevaluated in a more contemporary digital key. The colored stripes represent a transition between dark and light, like an evolving innovation initiative. There are two colored spheres in each strip, one in warm color and one cold, signifying the combination of head and heart, which is present in every breakthrough innovation. The result is a developing and changing piece of work demonstrating that art and innovation follow a similar evolution over time.


VI. Changing Future

The colored liquids move and mix, forming fascinating abstract compositions. Each image has a warm and a cold tone, while the central image includes a green band which represents EWING itself. Married with green, the colors accentuate in a potent way much like the collaborations between EWING and clients.


VII. Greenfield

The idea of this artwork is to represent industrialization as something conceptual. The image is a desert, and the colored portions of the landscape represent the human mind that envisions and creates new concepts and solutions with the imagination. This is the first step of a EWING client collaboration – i.e., taking something that exists, and reimagining the problem, the structure, and the outcome. The bright colors refer to the idea of human ingenuity. The house in the middle is a nod to the Prada Marfa work of Elmgreen and Dragset. The quote is a reference to the concept of industrialization and growth, made by the inventor of futurism, Marinetti.


VIII. Universal

The concept behind this artwork is to enclose, within three paintings, the contrasting elements of warm and cold. The use of abstract forms refers to the paintings of Kandinsky who believed that abstract art, like music, is a universal language, having no cultural references. He said, “The more frightening the world becomes… the more art becomes abstract. Painting is a thundering collision of different worlds, intended to create a new world in and from the struggle with one another, a new world which is the work of art. Each color lives by its mysterious life.” His concept of multiculturalism is embraced in the design of this website. EWING’S desire is to convey a universal language so that every visitor to the site can reflect on the design, by himself, without cultural influences.


IX. Air

Air enhances the freedom to be yourself, and to be carried away by what the mind envisions and what the world offers. The flower has the appearance of a sphere, which represents the connection between nature and the world. Science mixes with nature, giving the feeling of lightness and the unbridled power of inventive thought that arises from it.


X. Power of Connection

The idea underscoring this artwork is to represent humanity as interconnected androids who cooperate to conceptualize and create new value. The varied colors of the characters represent the complexity of human nature coupled with technological innovation. Technology can help humanity evolve, but it can never replace the human being, or erase the inherent differences among individuals.


XI. Focus

This work is a mixed composition that started with an architectural image made almost unrecognizable to focus on the content and not on the architecture that it really is. The colors represent EWING’S pioneering thought and scientific processes that blend with client challenges and opportunities to evolve into something else—something elevated—wholly original and impactful in the market.

K. Heimerl